Carte Blanche your wardrobe.  An adventurous confident summarizes my sense of style, presenting myself through the assistance of mere materials. The attire I uniform myself are constructed from creative influence sought out throughout my eighteen years of life, inspiration in the past and future. I alter fashion’s perception by migrating out of the norm, and generating another opinion of the standard, my truth. I demand myself to continuously transform regular type of clothing into an awe shocking gorgeous mess. mensfashion-2013.tumblrMy preferred activity is fusing patterned clothing with a solid, concrete color; or reinventing an outfit with a single accessory. The materials shielding our true form are mere tool of complementing our unknown confident. The human race is a brash species, though superior in countless levels, the buoyance isn’t projected at all. Society informs the commoners to a guide of true beauty; nonetheless, the lone acceptance is within ourselves. Judgments from strangers limit ourselves to appreciate the wonderfulness of fashion. We are linked through an invisible thread; nevertheless a gape of diversity shines brightly, unraveling us from a distant classification. My taste in couture isn’t ideal for the traditional, yet their comments are “water off a duck’s back”. The materials I drape onto myself support my confident throughout the average day span, exposing to the world the uniqueness of Thach Nguyen.

       No settling, strive for greatness. A rush of satisfaction and confidence indefinitely is required once the barrier between home and the world is broken. mademoiselle-vanina.tumblrThe mirror effect reflects the proprietor’s perception of oneself onto the grand scale of the big blue world; ensure the love of one before departing into the unknown hours of the day. Fashion is a suggested utensil in assuring one’s true confident to be luminously presented to the public. The sole necessity of an apparel is to emphasize the true beauty of all humans. The real powers of the clothing arise from the individual, exuding poise or revealing sadness. Considerations of others is barbaric, one essentially ought to dress in the substances comfortable to their happiness. The unknown’s voices never fade, so ignore these useless insults and live life to the fullest. The appearance might confuse and intrigue the onlookers; though if one radiates a current of positivity and self-confident to the ordinary, the love shall be re-gifted. A soul may merely drape oneself in a normal shirt and jeans or pajamas pants and a vest; the inanimate things doesn’t encapsulate that individual, rather it is how the clothing themselves benefiting the wearer. The human controls, the inanimate obeys.

        Complete freedom. An individual‘s sense of style is solely dependent on their own perspective of fashion. Choice of fashion is experimenting against customary wear hfhayleyor following the train of uniformity. Fashion is a continuous cycle of reusing trends or crafting a new fade by smashing two hideous trashes onto another. The definition of fashion is limitless, an ever-changing characterization as time processes through life periods.  Fashion scorches rulebooks, swallows guidelines, and ignores manuals; it is an accepted daredevil.

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